Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ok, first and foremost, my job has now shut down my blog for some reason. i can view all of my entries, but I cannot create a new entry...not from work anyway. i don't know what type of bullshit that is, but i am hoping that today was just an anomaly, and tomorrow i can resume with my daily blogging. if I cannot continue blogging on this site, i will certainly find a new home. in the meantime, i am working feverishly to purchase a laptop. it was long overdue any damn way, so this new revelation is only pushing me harder, faster and deeper. it is amazing how dependent I have become on typing a blog and receiving feedback. that shit is now a way of life son. Plus, I don't write well in the afternoons. Right now, i want to write, but in t minus 5 minutes, Pardon the Interruption is coming on ESPN, and so my attention span is low.

anyway, i'm working on this situation, bear with me please.

and goodluck

1 comment:

Jo said...

Did you work it out? And yeah, you need a laptop or some internet at home at least!