Monday, March 26, 2007

I tried to put myself in John Edwards' shoes this morning. I thought to myself, if my wife had cancer, and I was in the beginning stages of a presidential race, would I drop out, or continue on business as usual. Its not just that Elizabeth Edwards has cancer, based on all indications she won't live too much longer. Now I am not a deeply religious man, but I do believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking. But at some point in my mind, it would hit me that I may not have my wife for too much longer, and I'd drop out of the race. Campaigning is draining enough as it is, but to have to worry about losing your wife, managing your kids' reaction to that loss, managing your own emotions, and all the while trying to convince the country that you're ready to lead them is just a lot to manage man. I'm sure he'll get some sympathy, but I'm also sure he and hislady will get quite a bit of criticism. And sadly, it will be very interesting watching how this plays out. I don't enjoy watching the pain of others, but this is entertaining on some level..if that makes sense.

Speaking of entertainment(that's just an impossible segue), I was thinking that it would be very cool if two of my favorite comedians right now(Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock) went on a tour. There would be no opening act, no local comedians who suck anyway, just Rock, Chappelle, and maybe a DJ who would play their favorite songs. I'm sure tickets for such an event would range from $75-100, but I'd pay to see them. They talk about similar issues and topics, but their styles are different enough, that I wouldn't get bored. Of course we already had something similar with the Kings of Comedy, but I think this would be better. Steve Harvey and DL Hughley just aren't funny to me at all, so I never really was interested in attending. But a Rock/Chappelle show? I'd give that a ringing endorsement. Just a random thought..

I'm a sucker for public displays of father/son affection, so when I saw John Thompson and John Thompson III embrace after yesterday's Georgetown victory, I was smiling big time. I'm biased because of my own relationship with my father, but I think father/son moments cannot be played up enough, particularly with black men. That's one of those soapbox moments that I'll always take an opportunity to put out there. Given all of the other images the market is flooded with when it comes to black men, a good father/son moment goes a long way in offsetting least in my mind. And because of that, and the fact that I remember Georgetown in their heyday, I am rooting for them to win it all...

Listen to this original song first
Then listen to it being sampled here.


Anonymous said...

I think its rather selfish on both of their parts. I'm sure she's encouraging him to not give up his dream. however, can he really focus on the country while his wife is dying. Lets say he wins and she's still alive but dies, another burden.....

happy monday rashad

Miss. Lady said...

People deal with things differently and his continuing to campaign may be his way of dealing. Though I would not have taken that route personally to each his own. In the end he is the one that will have to deal with what ever the back lash may be from deciding to go on.

Unknown said...

I think that Edwards should continue on. When my mother only had a few years left to live she asked me not to move home because it meant more to her that I persue my dreams. She felt she would rest much more peacefully that way. So I completey understand their decision. I still have mixed feeling about it but I respected her decision and it all worked out in the end.

I think it would be premature for him to leave the race. If her condition deteriorates then he can deal with it then.

Rock-Chapelle would be so dope.

Jo said...

Yeah . . .I was a bit conflicted when I heard the Edwards' reports, too. But at the end of the day, he and his wife have a right to make whatever decisions they so choose, I am actually quite impressed that they decided to move full steam ahead in spite of the adversity they are now faced with. That speaks volumes about the type of leader he would be . . . he would NOT let adversity falter him, nor would he let his personal life affect his job. That to me, is commendable and definitely a good quality. His points went up in my book.