Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Some morning observations:

-I still cannot understand why people who have backpacks, feel the need to roll them around, as opposed to actually putting them on their backs. There are two straps on backpacks, that conveniently allow the user to slip his or her hands thru, and then the bag rests easily on the shoulders. This woman in front of me on the train was rolling hers around like it was actual luggage, and I felt like kicking and bending it like Beckham.

-I can't stand Ann Coulter. I don't doubt her intelligence or her ability to put together a cohesive argument, but sometimes it seems like she purposely pushes the envelope to get a desired reaction..and it always works, which makes her even smarter I guess. But still, I wish people wouldn't feed the animals

-As I stood on the train reading ESPN articles, I noticed a woman right next to me who looked exactly like Fantasia. I realized it wasnt her when I noticed this woman reading over my shoulder.

-I used to hate it in college, when I'd volunteer to make a great point in class, and then some jackass would come along and say, "just to piggy-back off what Rashad said.." Get your point, why you riding mine? However, I'm about to piggy back off something my friend Jolanda commented on. Why is it when I blogged about breaking my hand, did I get the more comments than I have ever received in this here blog? What was that about?

The Dramatics - Ocean of Thoughts and Dreams


Anonymous said...

LOL @ you wanting to kick the luggage....

Show them what you got Rashad! Open yourself up, they'll respond....

Miss. Lady said...

Rashad you are off the chain. LOL!@ wanting to kick luggage.

Rashad try responding to some of the comments on your blog (not via email either :-P) and you will see an increase in activity.

Miss Black River said...

People were shocked that 'our Rashad' would do something as violent as smash his hand into a wall. Most of the time your observations are enough to get chuckles - that time we were concerned for you. I think it's a positive that you got that kind of response. People care what you do with yourself. We want God's best for you - not a felony charge.

Jo said...

Fantasia can't read or write . . .DAYUM! That sucks . . .where do you get these facts? And yeah . . .I hear ya with the piggy back. What's that all about? Are they loyal fans who only speak up when they feel you need encouragement or are they drama seeking no-gooders just waiting for you to FUCK up!?

Anonymous said...

to piggy back off of what miss black river said...ditto - we were concerned. i also think you should reveal more of your personal life/thoughts on here. not in a exhibitionary way, but just give us a little more.