Saturday, May 12, 2007

I got a very nice email yesterday from someone who reads my blog, and it made me think. He mentioned that he wanted me to possibly write an entry for his site (, since I mentioned yesterday that I was focused on writing the article of life this weekend(no I haven't started yet). But the second part of his email is what struck me as interesting. This gentleman said that I if I planned to post an article on his blog, that I had to keep the language clean and he gave two reasons. The first reason had to with him being both a teacher and a coach, and his students and players check out his site. The second reason he gave was that he was a Christian, and he didn't want foul language on his site. When I read that I was very impressed for a few reasons of my own. 1)He gave me a compliment by saying that he was a huge fan of my writing, which does my confidence level good. But at the same time he also sets me for the subtle jab at my sometimes profane blog entries..which brings me to reason number 2) He stood up for his beliefs both as an educator and a Christian. I know people who declare themselves as devout Christians, but when they are around people who aren't and a situation arises that compromises their beliefs, they tend to be real quiet about who they are so they don't ruffle any feathers. Not the case here..he came out and said this is who I am, and who you are is good for your site, but for mine, you need to change. I like that. Now I can't say I won't curse anymore on my site, because sometimes the feeling hits me to spew an impressive array of expletives. But I can't lie, he did get in my head a little bit.. in the good way though.

I can't stand humidity. Not one bit. It is about 80 degrees here in DC today, but it feels much warmer and I can't stand it. This does NOT bode well for the summertime. I've come to realize that i do my best work(writing, dressing, etc) when the highs are in the mid 60s to 70s and the lows are in the 40s..and no humidity. All this means is that a climate changed is in order. Ever since Frasier was on television, I fantasized about living in Seattle, drinking coffee, playing the rain, sleeping with more white women while keeping my black woman quota alive, and more importantly, never having to worry about a whole lot of humidity. I still may do that within the next years who knows. But in the meantime, I have to struggle through this heat..the kind of heat that makes you not want to leave the house at all.

You cannot watch this dunk without either scrunching up your face or saying damn out loud. I know I said it all 494 times I saw it on ESPN this morning. And Baron Davis is one of my favorite players..not just because of his game, but he's my beard hero.


TM said...

It's refreshing to read about a teacher that is truly respectable. Not only to himself but to his students both on and off the clock. It's especially good reading this after hearing about the Nate Thomas crap all week.

Oh yeah and man up on the humidity thing. You have no reason to complain as a man. It's not like your hair do is going to get messed up or anything.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words Rashad and TM!

If you want another version of that dunk you can check out a crisper version over at NBA Fanhouse:

Jo said...

I am conflicted about this entry RM. Not sure whether to consider your Christian friend a hypocrit or an open-minded person . . . that's a difficult one to pick sides on . . .