Sunday, July 15, 2007

About an hour ago, I found myself eating breakfast about 2 feet from a gay couple. There were plenty of places for them to sit in this establishment, but they chose to sit near me, which I thought was no big deal. But their open display of affection made me a bit squeamish..ok more than a bit. I'm a little leery of open displays of affection anyway, but to see this was hard man. They were tongue kissing like there was no tomorrow, making comments about each other's ass when they got up, and other things that I won't mention in the family blog. It got so bad, that even other gay individuals around, were looking at them like they were crazy. I didn't get up and leave abruptly, and I didn't let on that i was uncomfortable, but it may have shown all over my face who knows. When I finally did get up to leave, I was getting ready to leave my ipod, and one of the guys in this couple said oh don't forget this. I said thank you, he commented that he had lost 3 ipods, i said Alzheimer's is a cruel disease, and he and his lovah laughed, and then I rolled out. And yes I am patting myself on the back for being affable in the face of discomfort, but i wonder if my reaction makes me a certifiable homophobic, or was it natural to feel that way.

This matters to no one except me, but I am finally sleeping in a bedroom that looks semi-normal. There's a new bed, a nightstand, a dresser and a television. I haven't been able to say that since May 18th.

Back in the Day (Puff) - Erykah Badu


Miss. Lady said...
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Miss. Lady said...

As open of a person as I am that would of made me feel uncomfortble as well. Sometimes I think people (gay or straight) do things just to get a reaction from others... you handled it quite well because if it was me I would have thrown $20 on a table and told their asses to get a damn room.

Unknown said...

I'm really vain. I wanted to see if you were going to blog about me. I actually hate hugs I just find joy in making you uncomfortable.

Jo said...

No, that doesn't make you homophobic, that makes you normal . . .

Congrats about the bedroom! I am happy for you . . .

Hopefully I will be able to say the same soon . . .