Wednesday, July 25, 2007

To all of you clowns who repeatedly tell me I am too hard on my intern, I would like for you to read this entry very carefully. This fool doesn't show up or call at all yesterday. My supervisor, and her boss, both asked me on more than one occasion where he was and if he called, and I couldn't even cover for the lad, because he broke the rules. I told him the first day he came, that if he was ever out he needed to call me, and then I'd relay the message. I gave him my cell, my work number, my work email address, and my personal email address. Yet yesterday came and went, and not a damn thing. I even called and left him a few messages, but to no avail. So today, when I come into the office, he's playing music and relaxing, like everything is cool. Now I could have been mean, but since I am trying to be the shepherd here recently, I took the high road. I told him that when he's out, he needs to call me. His reasoning for not calling me was that he left his cell phone in his mom's car, and she left for work, and cut his ass off, and said that the reasons and the excuses really were irrelevant, but the main point is he was a no call/no show and that wasn't cool. So I told him to go apologize to his my boss, and her boss. Now was I wrong? Maybe. But dammit, when i'm out, I call, and that's what folks do in the real world. And to make things worse, he told me that during the early afternoon yesterday, he started to call, but he thought it would be too late. I said to him, I thought you didn't have the number, and he said, well I was going to use the yellow pages. If this was a movie I would have stared at the camera and shook my head.

Yesterday was a sad day for sports man. Real sad. The Barry Bonds scrutiny continued, David Stern gave a sad press conference about Tim Donaghy, the owner and general manager of the Atlanta Falcons gave a press conference about where they stood with Michael Vick, one of the Tour de France bikers was caught taking an illegal substance, and to top it all off, a minor league baseball coach was killed when an errant ball struck him in the head. Now these stories happen in sports all the time, but rarely do stories of this magnitude happen on the same day. The sports shows and newspapers read like the front page or the 6 o'clock news, instead of just the sports page. Usually I love sports, because it is an escape from the depressing daily news of the world. But yesterday all that was out of the window, and when that is combined with what is already a slow sports period, you have a sports depression. Never in my life have I looked forward to boring ass preseason football, like I am now.

Sugar - Lenny Kravitz


Unknown said...

I take it back he's a dumb ass. You need to let him go. That's "highly" unprofessional and if you all let him slide he's going to think he can do that anywhere.

Miss. Lady said...

That makes no sense what so ever... was he sick?

tia said...

so what are the consequences of him not calling? how will he be reprimanded?

BewRadley said...

no call/no show = no job

maxwellsmusze said...

scrap that i-phone offering.

Jo said...

Shame on your intern. That happened last year with an intern we had, only he was out for about two days before he showed up again. We gave him the copme to Jesus talk and told him in a normal world at a normal job he would have been fired . . .which is what we really wanted to do . . .but how do you fire an intern. Anyway, I hope this kid learns a few things, 'cause clearly he isn't taking things seriously!

Anonymous said...

show him these comments and let him know that he has lost all sympathy.

he needs his ass beat.

Miss Black River said...

Booo hiss on the intern. I had NO IDEA he was behaving like a loser. I need to read these things in sequence!!