Friday, May 22, 2009

That new Eminem is TERRIBLE. I mean it is TERRIBLE, and I'm not even exaggerating. I think that he is one of the 3 most talented rappers out today, and if a creative fire was ever lit under his ass, he could be a devastating lyricist. But that mojo didn't insert itself in his head or his rhyme-writing hand, because the end product was hot ass garbage. It was if he talked to 50 criminals at Riker's Island, asked each of them for some horrifying stories, and then went back to put the stories in rap form. When he first came out it was mildly amusing for him to rap about those kinds of things, but now its annoying. And again, it wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't so damn talented

This Obama/Cheney feud is pretty damn interesting. Considering how bad the Bush/Cheney administration has been trashed even before Obama entered office, I don't blame Cheney one bit for defending his defense policies specifically and his administration as a whole. He's "earned" that right to be a curmudgeon and a perfect foil to Obama....BUT. If I were Obama, I would calmly refute and rebut each and every one of Cheney's talking points. And then I'd end all my sentences with, "Yeah, but I'm the f**king president now." There's no come back for that.

As I have explained before, I'm doing this whole twitter thing after months and months of shunning it. I like to write in long free flowing sentences and paragraphs, and the one-liner nature of twitter is the equivalent of running in place. I need to be unleashed. BUT my lady says that I need to hip to such things, plus my favorite sportswriter is on there too, so it must be legit. Still, I have no clue what I'm doing. But tonight, when I attend my first baseball game at the new Washington Nationals Stadium, I will be twittering (I think the right word is tweeting, but that sounds like something that's done behind closed doors in or on someone)

My favorite Jay-Z song....


Jazzbrew said...

"Yeah, but I'm the f**king president now." There's no come back for that.Hilarious and oh so true.

Janelle said...

Have you noticed that Dick Cheney has spoken more since Obama was elected than he ever did in the 8 years he was running shit? And ummm, what happened to that injury that forced him into a wheelchair on innauguration?? Such a damn hater. And that rebuttal is priceless. We should but it on t-shirts. hahahahahahaa

maxwellsmusze said...

Dick "Weekend at Bernies" Cheney needs to shut up and like it!