Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My lunch has my name on it today. My lady made my lunch last night and we are temporarily out of clear sandwich bags, so the only way to distinguish our respective lunches, was for her to put names on the aluminum foil. I haven't had my lunch marked in such a glorious way since I was middle school, when my mother put names on brown paper bags belonging to both me and my brother. I woke up this morning mad as hell because I overslept and didn't go swim, but when I reached into refrigerator and saw my name, I smiled (although the smile subsided when I stepped into this cold ass weather). Still, its the little things that get you through the day. Although now, I'm debating whether I should put this in the work refrigerator and risk being laughed at or clowned..

Entries like this make me wonder if the end is near for this blog, because I'm quite sure no one cares but me and my lady, but I wrote it anyway. And I have yet to hit send on this blog entry I've written on Gilbert Arenas, because I'm not sure I want to touch that issue just yet. I digress..

Talib Kweli and Mos Def reunited:


Anonymous said...

i read your blog and enjoy your entries.

Jazzbrew said...

I read your blog like a regular column in the Washington Post with my morning coffee. Not sure what the hell I'd do if it was gone.

I mean... I could actually read the Post but it ain't no where near as fun and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

just so you know, i put mine in the work fridge. faced down...

Miss. Lady said...

I am not right in the morning until I, 1) have a cup of tea and 2) read your blog. The people in my office would have to walk on egg shells around me if you were to end this here fine blog.

Shoot my girlfriends read your blog because I talk about it so much...

Neil MacLean said...

nice writing, she's a keeper.

Janelle said...

As long as you keep your name on the sammiches and off your drawers, you're golden! hahahhaa

And how dare you talk about ending this fine blog?!! BLASPHEMY!!! I won't even entertain this foolishness. Now get back to writing!!

Anonymous said...

Nah, don't pull the plug, bro.
Keep pushin' on. I enjoy this place.
Thanks for the entertainment and inspiration.

Me said...

That is fantastic! lol. I just had a conversation along these lines with a group of men in the lunch room here. After fawning over my Rosie the Riveter lunch box, they were debating if it was manly to bring a lunchbox to work. They ended up agreeing that a soft cooler bag might be best. You could always stick your sandwich in a brown paper bag to hide your name :P I wouldn't laugh at you though.