Monday, February 08, 2010

After resisting the feature for several weeks, I finally decided to give in and incorporate the feature you see to the right of this blog. Its called formspring, and it gives you people the opportunity to ask me questions. You can identify yourself, or you can answer anonymously, whatever works for you. After you ask the question, you can go here and see the answer. Its just a new wrinkle I've added, and as with anything new I try, I reserve the right to revoke this and deny I ever tried it.

Not only was my Super Bowl prediction off, but I lost $50 because of Peyton Manning's inability to close the deal. Thanks Peyton! And I'd like to send a special shout out to all you non football fans who never watched New Orleans one time this year, suddenly shouting out "Who Dat" with all the fake passion, your non-football watching ass can muster. I'd like to see you all go down an icy hill in an ice storm on roller skates.

I'm off today thanks to this snow, hopefully you are too. And more is coming on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is fantastic. I just need it to stop before I leave for Dallas on Friday.

Alanis Morissette - Uninvited


nichole said...

can i get a pass?
although i hate football, new orleans is my second home.

rashad said...

you've spent time down there, so you get a 12 hr pass

£ said...

lol i KNEW you would come around! Who can resist koolaid? :)

i should bite off of you put mine in my blog as well. Maybe give it some life.

Sorry about you losing the bet. I was hoping Indianapolis would win - but that interception.. man. I could hear the air being deflated out of Peyton's lungs. That was brutal to watch. But hey... im happy for the city of N'awlins. I know mardi gras is going to be off the chain this year.

Also, i don't get the whole "who dat" thing. What does it mean? where did it originate? I know im not hip but am i that out of the loop??