Friday, September 03, 2010

I love Carlton (my son), I love him with all my heart and soul, but this morning, I want to hit him in the chest about 500 times in a row like an watch him stumble around like Trevor Berbick. This morning, he informed me that he no longer wants to play football, because his heart isn't in it anymore. It wasn't because he wanted to find the Lord, like this guy and he didn't have a serious injury like this guy, he just lost the desire to play.

Now, I can readily admit that I never wanted him to play football anyway. The new information we are finding out about concussions is very scary, and the players are getting faster, stronger and bigger at a much younger age. My son himself is only 13, and he's 5'6" 155lbs, so I know he was going to hit and get hit frequently, and I was worried. Because of bad grades and circumstance, he hadn't played football in 3 years, so I worried if he'd still be able to play, and it turns how he could, but he didn't want to anymore. I get that.

Plus he (like his father) started to take a serious interest in basketball, and even though I beat him with ease the last time we played, I can see talent developing..and he plays almost everyday. On top of that, he's been playing golf since he was 4, and he wants to revisit that as well, so he has other sports he can play for now. He knows academics and not sports are the way to college, but he's athletic and he should take advantage..BUT

I spent over $300 on registration and equipment not even 3 weeks ago, and so for him to pull this quitting sh*t is irritating as hell. And as much as I want to see him play basketball, I'm going to have a hard time forking over one cent towards this. So I told him he is going to have to write extensive proposals to his mother and me, explaining 1)why he should be able to play basketball, 2)why he won't quit prematurely, and 3)how sorry he is for this grave inconvenience. Its not the same as getting my damn money back, but its a pain-in-the-ass for him, so that will have to suffice. But when he gets his first paycheck, I am SO garnishing..


Sab D said...

Write a proposal? Dawg, that's hilarious!!! What's even funnier is I see what you mean - I'd do the same thing. Man, we getting all "Cliff Huxtable" in our later years.

Should his proposal includes graphs & charts?

rashad said...

I may end up just whipping his ass and demanding a proposal..but he's gonna need graphs, charts and what? visual aids

CJ Hempfield said...

Make him spring to get it bound at Kinko's.

I may have to use the garnishing wages idea.

maxwellsmusze said...

WOW! My sister gave up the clarinet like after 2/3 weeks and my father went completely apeshit! Never mind that it was just a rental, but still money is money. If this proposal comes thru, he REALLY REALLY wants to play basketball.

Jazzbrew said...

I'd request a PowerPoint presentation as well. I mean we're talking $300 here...

And that Tyson/Berbick fight remains one of my all time favorite knockouts. He was wide awake from the waist up but his legs were finished.

tia said...

isn't 13 old enough to mow lawns, deliver newspapers, or babysit? what you need to be working out is a repayment plan. teach him the value of a dollar!