Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Joe Paterno was fired tonight, but a year ago in this NY Times article, he spoke about why that terrified him.


Susan K. said...

I've been catching up on the whole Penn State debacle. What do you think of Paterno's firing?

rashad said...

Well I think Paterno had to go, and I definitely think he should have been a bit more vigilant in reporting Sandusky given that Paterno is THE man at Penn State. But i don't like how he's become public enemy #1..But i'm trying not to rush to any sort of judgement until i get more facts--a lesson I learned from the Duke lacrosse story a few years back

Susan K. said...

Agreed - last night, I thought Paterno was the bad guy (i.e., the molester). It took some Googling to find out what was really going on. Sandusky needs his balls chopped off, stat!

Jazzbrew said...

I'm in complete agreement with both of you... especially with Kim's final comment.