Saturday, April 06, 2019

I'll admit that I had zero intentions of ever writing an entry in this blessed blog again. I lost my desire to write when I got laid off last July, and even when I finally returned to the workforce in February, I still didn't have the desire to blog or write about sports. But I'm slowly coming around now.

First, I finally got the kind of job I've been craving for years. I'm no longer managing people, but instead of I've decided to dive knee-deep into the IT/technical writing world, which means I'll soon be studying for certifications. Second, as you can imagine, not having a job for an extended period of time, tends to break your spirit and quell your creativity. But conversely, having a job and doing something fun, tends to quickly restore all of that. Now if I could only restore my savings as quickly..

I don't have a lot to say right now, but that'll change in the near future I'm sure. For now, it is nice to be back..

1 comment:

Jazzbrew said...

Welcome back sir!