Sunday, May 27, 2007

I have about 14 pics of my post-fire apartment, but this is the only one i'm going to post and show. This is the near where the fire started, as you may or may not be able to see in the corner of the pic. when i first walked in my apt last week, and i saw this, it looked like my records and books were intact, and I was a little encouraged, but a closer inspections shows that they are damaged. I can identify all the titles and replace them eventually, so there is a silver lining. Yes this is depressing and a bit therapeutic all at the same time..I'm not about to fall into a deep abyss of depression right now, but i thought i'd share at least one pic.


Anonymous said...

is that also the wall that helped jack up your hand?

Jo said...

Gosh RM . . .this is horrible!

Anonymous said...

Dude... this is terrible. I'm so sorry.