Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I spoke yesterday about being raised right, and today yet another scenario has placed itself in my lap and tested my upbringing. Right now, in my hand, I have an American Express card that I found in front of my building this morning. I have no clue if this woman lives in my building, or if she was just walking by the building and dropped it, I just know she's short an AmEx card this morning. I emailed the folks I do know in my building to see if they know her, but so far I've gotten no answer. I called my Landlord, and he didn't recognize the name off-hand, but he said he'd check. I also found this woman via google (I only felt a little creepy), and emailed her work address to inform her about her missing card. I've heard nothing so far, and meanwhile this card is just staring at me and laughing and crying out for help...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

continue to do the "right thing"...it always feels better anyway...and besides who needs bad karma ......